Wednesday, December 02, 2015

On Wednesday, December 02, 2015 by Tamilnewstv in ,    

Space and spatial technology on Resources and Disaster Management
                The Centre for Remote Sensing, Bharathidasan University, one of the centers of excellence in space and spatial technologies for natural resources and disaster management, has launched a 21days training programme for the teachers and researchers of colleges and Indian Universities, under the sponsorship of NRDMS, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi. Duly realizing the scenario of the recurrent disasters and the resource crunch in our country the Centre conceived the above programme to generate the required manpower to address these issues, and the programme being attended by over 20 participants. The program was inaugurated by Dr. V.M.Muthukumar, Hon’ble Vice- Chancellor, Bharathidasan University on 2nd December and stressed the need to reorient the research on such technologies to address environment and the natural disasters of this country. While briefing about the programme, Prof. SM.Ramasamy, DST- Geospatial chair professor and the founder, Centre for Remote Sensing has briefed about the course,  mentioned that the course will cover aerial and satellite remote sensing, Geographical Information System , Global positioning system etc. and their applications to mineral inventory, 3D visualization of deep seated oil and gas bearing structures, water management, life history of river systems, coastal dynamics and coastal zone management, desertification processes, disaster vulnerability mapping and prediction on seismicity, landslides, floods, tsunami etc. and the planner oriented computerized Decision Support Systems, on all of which the Centre has accrued advanced expertise through its over 30  sponsored research projects executed with the  funding to the tune of over 15crores. Besides, these over 15 eminent scholars from various parts of the country are delivering lectures. Dr. D. Ramesh, Head, Centre for Remote Sensing has welcomed the gathering and briefed about the activities of the Centre and  Dr. K. Palanivel, Assistant Professor, Centre for Remote Sensing delivered vote of thanks.